Singletrail Moravský kras - Mariánské údolí

Singletrail Moravský kras - Mariánské údolí

Singletrail Moravský kras - Mariánské údolí

Singletrail Moravský kras: Mariánské údolí was opened in 2018. By a mere look at its name, it is obvious that the resort was made by the same people as Singletrail Moravský Kras: Jedovnice. Both starting points are affiliated, and there are plans for them being connected by a trail in the future. For the time being, however, Mariánské údolí valley offers nearly thirty kilometres of fun and playfulness. 

The difficulty is given by rider’s speed – all trails can be ridden even by children, and experienced riders will enjoy jumps, too. The surrounding countryside calls for exploration as well: the hills are laced with paths, and the natural beauty of the Moravian Karst is amazing. If you add this up to what Singletrail Moravský kras: Jedovnice has to offer, you end up with so much entertainment and fun that a weekend will not be enough.


Choose the best of 3 circuits, or look at the map of the trails.


First part leads from the valley up to the hill. There are several wooden bridges on the ascent and it never climbs too steep. On the way down the trail catches an excellent flow with many banked turns and fantastic compressions. But as always at Singlekras: the ride will be enjoyed by a junior as well as experienced biker. 
Difficulty: red
Suitable for children: yes


"Family" trail for the whole family with rolling terrain. Easy asphalt climb will take you up the hill where starts the trail. It crimps up and down, left and right and is almost neverending. Terrain waves, banked turns and endless fun! This trail is very long and along the way will lead you into several smaller climbs as well as enjoyable descents. 
Difficulty: blue / red
Suitable for children: yes

CIRCUIT 3 / 6.5 KM

The most challenging and the shortest trail in Mariánské údolí. Same asphalt climb as on he Circuit 2 will bring you up the hill where starts an awesome gravity trail full of jumps and banked turns. And if you don't feel like riding wild, you just slow down and you will make it down the hill safely!
Difficulty: red / black
Suitable for children: yes, but only for advanced

Basic information

Location: Mariánské údolí, Brno

GPS: 49°12’31.694″N 16°42’44.820″E

Region: Jihomoravský



Phone: +420 777 674 719

Length of the route: 26,5 km

Difficulty: Very easy – Moderately difficult

Number of trails: 3

Types of trails: Family trail, Singletrail, Flow trail, XC trail, Climbing trail

More: Biková sezóna 2024 byla ukončena.

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